The recent global emphasis on rational use of natural resources has raised the need for increased environmental education and capacity building in the area. Of particular importance is the fact that the impact of various human activities on the environment may remain unnoticed until it becomes a threat to human and animal existence. An effective policy or program for sound environmental management is largely dependent on availability of trained personnel both in the private and public sectors.
The selected tracks in environmental sustainability are interconnected by a common objective of developing skills and knowledge of individuals in environmental sustainability throughout the public and private sector organizations related to environmental management and sustenance. Our program will give our students a deep knowledge of this interconnectedness and prepares them for a rewarding career that makes full use of your passion for the environment, as they can progress from one track to another in a bottom up structure. The degree programmes courses portray the interconnectedness of the many sub-disciplines within the Environmental Sciences. Put together, the five tracks in environmental sustainability component of the CIPESS.
Our students can progress through the five tracks and gain advanced knowledge and skills across similar themes as they move to a higher track. This is a unique structure that will provide a blend of professionals and ultimately professionalize the practice and implementation of environmental sustainability in our private and public institutions.
The executive education programmes and stand-alone short courses are professional and proficiency capacity building programmes. They are inter-disciplinary in nature, drawing upon the diversity of environmentally related departments and disciplines. The trainings will assist in developing human resources and capacity in managing environmental risks and impacts of public and private sector institutions.
The programmes are designed to develop human capacity in Environmental sustainability and to produce competent, intellectually mature, ethical and socially responsible environmental sustainability professionals.
The EXECUTIVE EDUCATION courses shall lead to the award of a CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION, while the short courses shall lead to the award of a PROFICIENCY CERTIFICATE.
1. Create in participants an awareness and comprehension of a wide range of environmental challenges and opportunities in the immediate and wider region.
2. Provide comprehensive knowledge of management systems, legal framework and socio-cultural issues pertaining to utilization of natural resources.
Develop skills and knowledge for translating the theory and concepts of resource management and Environmental sustainability into practice relevant to communities and work places today.
Environmental sustainability executive education programmes are expected to last for no more than one week or five work days. Other short courses should last for a minimum of two weeks and should involve coursework and field work as well as a capstone project submitted for evaluation prior to completion.
These courses are designed to improve the competence of those aiming to develop a career in environmental sustainability as well as for managers, supervisors and safety professionals who are taking on environmental responsibilities drawn from the public service, private sector and civil society organizations.
Executive Courses: Assistant Directors and above in relevant ministries and their equivalent in the private sector
Short Courses:All professionals in the civil service, private sector, civil society organizations at all levels
The Courses are designed in discrete modules covering various aspects of environmental sustainability. Participants are free to choose any of the modules as often as they are mounted and at their convenience.
The courses available are as follows:
1. Policy, Laws, Regulations, Guidelines and Standards.
2. Field / Site Assessment in Environmental sustainability.
1. Environmental Conflict Resolution and Mediation Mechanism.
2. Environmental Data Management.
3. Environmental System Modelling
1. Industry Awareness and Ethics in the Petroleum Sector
The training in this programme will enable candidates function effectively as technical personnel in various public and private organizations involved in environmental sustainability activities within and outside the nation such as environmental impact assessment, oil field assessment, forest and game reserves, botanical gardens, zoological gardens, horticultural parks, recreational parks, research institutes, re-afforestation projects, and environmental protection and regulatory agencies.
The programme is tailored to produce competent, intellectually mature, ethical and socially responsible environmental sustainability operators armed with detailed understanding of environmental risk management and implementation, environmental audit and inspection, waste management and control strategies, environmental laws and regulations, amongst others.
1. Provide participants with tools to manage environmental risks that results from work activities.
2. Create in student an awareness and comprehension of a wide range of environmental challenges and opportunities in the immediate and wider region.
3. Provide comprehensive knowledge of management systems, legal framework and social/cultural issues pertaining to utilization of natural resources.
Develop skills and knowledge for translating the theory and concepts of resource and Environmental sustainability into practice relevant to communities and work places today.
The Advanced Certificate in Environmental sustainability programme is expected to last for a minimum of 9 months (i.e. one academic year) and will include course work, field work, relevant industry based internship and capstone project submitted for evaluation prior to graduation.
On completion of the program, students will be issued the Advanced Certificate in Environmental sustainability.
Those aiming to develop a career in Environmental sustainability, managers and supervisors, safety professionals who are taking on environmental responsibilities drawn from the public service, private and civil society personnel, graduates, the unemployed and secondary school leavers.
The criteria for admission into the Advanced Certificate programme will follow the matriculation requirement of the university including three (3) O’ Level Credits which must include Chemistry and English Language and one credit and two passes from Biology, Mathematics, Physics and Geography.
The fundamental philosophy underlying the PGD in Environmental sustainability programme is the provision of sound, specialized, effective and practical-oriented advanced training in environmental issues. The programme is designed to bridge the gap in students that may wish to undertake a Master’s programme in Environmental sustainability but do not meet the stipulated academic qualification. In addition are students with 3rd class degree in Environmental sustainability and other relevant discipline.
1. Increase the students understanding of the multi-disciplinary nature of environmental issues.
2. Provide sound specialized and effective practical oriented training of course work, fieldwork and research in environmental monitoring, management and control.
1. Produce skilled manpower, trained specifically for environmental surveillance, monitoring and management
2. Improve national economic growth and development by promoting manpower development in environmental management.
3. Foster interdisciplinary teamworkfocused on developing and validating solutions to environmental challenges.
Provide the broad knowledgenecessary to engage in 21st environmental challenges while gaining the depth required to offer expertise.
Expose students to diverse perspectives and approachesto environmental problem-solving.
Develop skill for environmental auditing and/ or building up reliable geographic information system that leads to enlightenment of environment based policy and decision making process.
The criteria for admission into the PGD programme are as follows:
1. Matriculation requirement of the university including five (5) O’ Level Credits which must include Chemistry and English Language and any of biology, mathematics, geography, physics.
2. Graduates of universities where the program is domiciled or graduates from other approved universities, who hold first degree classifications acceptable to the University Senate in the relevant fields of study.
1.Candidate with at least 3rd class degree in Environmental sustainability or other relevant disciplines.
2. HND Upper Credit minimum or its equivalent in Natural or Applied Sciences, Agriculture and Engineering from recognized higher institutions may also be considered.
The duration of the programme is as follows:
1. Full- time PGD shall run for a minimum of two (2) Semesters.
2. The Part- Time PGD shall run for a minimum of four (4) semesters
Students will be expected to spend no more than 1½ times the prescribed minimum time for graduation.
The fundamental philosophy underlying the MSc Environmental sustainability programme is the provision of sound, specialised, effective and practical-oriented advanced training in environmental issues, standards and management. The Programme is expected to provide its graduates with the required competencies to address the identified developmental challenges in environmental sustainability. In addition, it will provide the candidates with an advantage of access to career paths through unique opportunities in environmental sustainability, hence, addressing the gap in the needs for services from well-trained mid-level professionals in Environmental sustainability. It is expected that this will result in promoting the implementation of environmental policies across Africa and other developing nations across the world.
1. Increase the students understanding of the multi-disciplinary nature of Environmental sustainability.
2. Provide sound specialised and effective practical oriented training of course work, fieldwork and research in environmental sustainability, management and control.
1. Produce skilled manpower, trained specifically for environmental surveillance and monitoring for standards and management.
2. To improve the national economic growth and development by promoting manpower development in Environmental sustainability.
3. Foster interdisciplinary teamwork focused on developing and validating solutions to environmental challenges and management.
4. Provide the broad knowledge necessary to engage in 21st century environmental challenges especially as they are noted across Africa while gaining the depth required offering expertise management strategies.
5. Expose students to diverse perspectives and approaches to problem-solving on environmental concerns.
The criteria for admission into the programme will be as follows:
1. Candidates must meet the basic matriculation requirement of FUAM requiring 5 O’ Level Credits including Mathematics and English Language.
2. Candidates must have at least Secondclass Lower Division Bachelors degree in Environmental sustainability, Environmental Sciences or Management, Natural or Applied Sciences, Medical Science, Agriculture, Engineering, Education Science and the Social Sciences.
3. Candidates with PGD at Credit Level pass (i.e. 3.5 of 5.0 Cumulative Grade Points Average) or 60% on weighted percentage average may be considered.
4. Candidates with HND Upper Credit minimum or its equivalent in Natural or Applied Sciences, Agriculture and Engineering from recognized higher institutions may also be considered.
1. The Full-Time Academic M.Sc. Programme shall run for a minimum of four Semesters
2. The Part-Time Academic M.Sc. Programme shall run for a minimum of six Semesters.
The Professional Master (Taught) will run for one year, and Students will spend no more than 1½ times the stipulated minimum time for completion of the programme.
There shall be teaching and research components to the programme. The research component shall be carried out in the second year (covering two semesters) of the programme. During that year, students shall engage in multi-disciplinary research in specialized fields, supervised by a senior academic in line with the university postgraduate studies guidelines.
1. MSc in Livelihood and Environmental Resource Management.
2. MSc in Environmental Risk Assessment and Management.
3. MSc in Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing.
4. MSc in Climate Change and Natural Resource Management.
5. MSc in Climate Smart Agriculture.
6. Professional (Taught) Master’s in Environmental sustainability.
The programme, Bachelor of Science in Environmental sustainability, is designed as a four year degree programme. It is interdisciplinary in nature, drawing upon the diversity of environmentally related departments and disciplines. Students are to explore a wide variety of environmental issues, including:
1. The social and human environment such as urban and regional planning, ethical and value systems, environmental law and policy, indigenous and religious beliefs, history and impact of past decisions, and environmental impact analysis.
2. The physical environment including the hydrologic cycle, waste management, coastal processes, energy production technologies, soil preservation, geography, and air/water pollution.
3. The biological environment including the function of ecosystems, population dynamics, and toxicology.
The programme is designed to provide students with the scholarly background and intellectual skills necessary to understand complex environmental problems in order to formulate good policies and take informed decisions on issues relating to the environment.
The aim of the Environmental sustainability programme is to produce competent, intellectually mature, ethical and socially responsible environmental resource managers.
1. Create knowledge on ethical and value systems, environmental law and policy, indigenous and religious beliefs, history and impact of past decisions, and environmental impact analysis.
2. Create in the student an awareness and comprehension of a wide range of environmental challenges and opportunities in the immediate and wider region
3. Provide comprehensive knowledge of management systems, legal framework and social/cultural issues pertaining to utilization of natural resources.
4. Develop skills and knowledge for translating the theory and concepts of resource and Environmental sustainability into practice relevant to communities and workplaces today.
5. Create knowledge about geophysical and biological processes and constraints characterising human activities and their interaction with the environment.
6. Develop skills in the application of monitoring and Environmental sustainability tools used by resource and environmental practitioners.
The criteria for admission into the programme are:
I. UTME Admission
The minimum academic requirement is credit level at not more than two sittings in five subjects at O’ Level in nationally recognised examinations including English Language, Mathematics and any other three subjects from the following list; Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Economics, Government and Agriculture.
II. Direct Entry Admission
Candidates who fulfil the basic admission requirements and who have obtained G.C.E Advanced Level, HSC/IJMB or equivalent passes in Biology and Physics, or Mathematics or Physics, or Geography and any other subject noted above as well as holders of the Advanced Certificate in Environmental sustainability at Credit level may be admitted at the 200 level of the programme.
III. Programme Duration
The programme is expected to last for a minimum of eight (8) or maximum of ten (10) academic semesters for UTME entry mode students and six (6) or eight (8) academic semesters for Direct Entry admission candidates respectively. A minimum of six months of Student Industrial Work Experience (SIWES) is required.