1.0 INTRODUCTION The World Bank sponsored Innovation in Procurement, Environmental and Sustainable social development (IPESS) established at the Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi intends to undertake some procurement comprising goods and consultancy services. Consequently, in line with the World Bank procurement requirements, the Center is inviting competent contractors and consultants for Technical and Financial Bids and Expression of Interest respectively for the following projects:
A1 NG-FUAM-248932-GO-RFQ / (Teaching and learning facilities) Procurement and installation of smart boards.
A2 NG-FUAM-248874-GO-RFQ / Procurement of equipment for environmental Testing
B1 NG-FUAM-248915-CS-QCBS / Advocacy for women and under-served population

Interested contractors and consultants must provide;
a) Evidence of Certificate of incorporation with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) including forms CAC02 and CAC07.
b) Evidence of current Tax Clearance Certificate for the last three years (2019, 2020 and 2021) valid till 31st December 2022.
c) Evidence of current Pension compliance certificate valid till 31st December, 2022.
d) Evidence of current ITF compliance certificate valid till 31st December, 2022.
e) Evidence of current National Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF) valid till 31st December 2022.
f) Evidence of registration on the National data base of federal contractors by submission of current
Interim Registration Report (IRR) valid till 31st December 2022 or Certificate issued by BPP
g) Evidence of sworn affidavit:
Disclosing whether or not any officer of the Centre for Innovation in Procurement, Environmental and Sustainable social development , Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Bureau of Public Procurement or World bank is a former or present Director, shareholder or has any pecuniary interest in the bidder.
Stating that the bidder is not in receivership, insolvent or bankrupt.
Affirming that the bidder does not have any Director who has been convicted in any court of law in Nigeria or any other country for criminal offences in relation to fraud or financial impropriety.
To confirm that all information presented in its bid are true and correct.
h) Present Company’s audited account for the last 3 years (2019, 2020 and 2021) duly acknowledged by FIRS.
i) Present Company profile including registered head/branch address, functional Email and GSM Number
j) For Lots A1, bidders should include current registration certificate with National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA)
k) Verifiable documentary evidence of at least (3) similar jobs executed in the last five (5) years including letters of award, valuation certificates, and photographs of the projects.
l) For joint venture/partnership, memorandum of understanding (MOU) should be provided (all eligibility requirements are compulsory for each JV partner and
m) All documents for submission must be transmitted with a covering letter duly signed by the authorized officer under the company’s letterhead bearing amongst others the registration number (RC) as issued by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and contact address. The letterhead must bear the names and nationalities of the directors of the company at the bottom of the page.

Only NGOS are allowed to express interest:
1. All prospective consultants are required to submit an updated company profile tailored to address the above mentioned assignment. Among others the following must form part of the NGO’S submissions.
2. Signed curriculum vitae (CV) of key staff to be deployed for the project covering academic qualifications and institutions attended with dates and photocopies of certificates obtained with dates.
3. Evidence of training workshop attended by staff with dates.
4. Evidence of staff registration with relevant professional body(ies) with certificates attached.
5. NGO’s Verifiable documentary evidence of at least three (3) similar jobs executed in the last five (5) years, with letters of award.
6. Evidence of Certificate of incorporation with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) including forms CAC02 and CAC07.
7. Evidence of tax exemption certificate or Tax clearance certificate.
8. Present NGO’s audited account for the last 3 years (2019, 2020 and 2021) duly acknowledged by FIRS.
9. Item g above

3.0 COLLECTION OF BID DOCUMENTS Tender documents are to be collected from the Procurement and Property Management Officer’s office between the hours of 10:00am -3:00pm daily upon presentation of authenticated payment details of the non-refundable tender fee of N10,000 (Ten Thousand Naira) only per individual lot to be paid into the Treasury Single Account (TSA) of University of Agriculture, Makurdi.

4.0 SUBMISSION OF TENDER DOCUMENTS Prospective bidders are to submit two hard copies (One original and one duplicate copy of the original) each of the technical and (financial) bids with soft copy of financial bid only in excel format for each of lots A1 and A2 desired, packaged separately in sealed envelopes and in each case clearly marked “’TECHNICAL BID” or “FINANCIAL BID”. Thereafter the two envelopes should be put together in a bigger sealed envelope and clearly marked “INVITATION TO TENDER” the name of the company, the project name and lot number should be boldly written on the reverse side of the envelope and should be dropped in the locked tender box located at IPESS boardroom. The bigger sealed envelope should be addressed to: Office of the Center Leader, Centre for Innovation in Procurement, Environmental and Sustainable social development, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi (IPESS-FUAM) Middle Core, Faculty of Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Department Block, IPESS-FUAM Wing. Second floor.
The closing date for the submission is on or before 12:00 noon Monday 28th November, 2022 with supporting documents (Original and 5 Five Duplicates) neatly packaged in sealed envelopes separately and both in one larger envelope. Boldly write on the outer envelope EXPRESSION OF INTEREST, Name of NGO, project name, lot number and dropped in the locked tender box located at IPESS boardroom. The bigger sealed envelope should be addressed to: Office of the Center Leader, The Centre for Innovation in Procurement, Environmental and Sustainable social development, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi (IPESS-FUAM) Middle Core, Faculty of Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Department Block, IPESS-FUAM Wing. Second floor. The closing date for the submission is on or before 12:00 noon Monday 14th November, 2022.

The Technical bids will be opened immediately after the deadline for submission by 12:00 noon Monday 28th November, 2022 at IPESS BOARDROOM, The Centre for Innovation in Procurement, Environmental and Sustainable social development, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi (IPESS-FUAM) Middle Core, Faculty of Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Department Block, IPESS-FUAM Wing. Second floor in the presence of bidders or their representatives, while financial bids for Lot A will be kept un-opened. Please ensure that you sign the bid submission register at the Point of submission as the center will not be liable for misplaced or wrongly submitted bids.

The EOI will be opened immediately after the deadline for submission by 12:00 noon Monday 14th November, 2022 at IPESS BOARDROOM, The Centre for Innovation in Procurement, Environmental and Sustainable social development, Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi (IPESS-FUAM) Middle Core, Faculty of Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Department Block, IPESS-FUAM Wing. Second floor in the presence of NGO’s or their representatives. Please ensure that you sign the bid submission register at the Point of submission as the center will not be liable for misplaced or wrongly submitted EOI.

i. All documents/information must be in English language paginated and submitted in the sequence/order as listed in Eligibility criteria CATEGORY A 2.0 (a-m), CATEGORY B 2.0 (1-8) respectively.
ii. All pages of the financial bid must be endorsed by the authorized representative of the bidder.
iii. Noncompliance with any of the Eligibility criteria listed in CATERGORY A 2.0 (a-m) or CATERGORY B 2.0 (1-9) will lead to the automatic disqualification of the bid and it will be adjudged as non-responsive.
iv. Prequalified bidders will be contacted at a later date for financial bid opening while bids of unsuccessful bidders will be returned unopened.
v. All costs will be borne by the bidders as the center will not be held responsible for any cost or expenses incurred by any interested party in connection with any response to this invitation.
vi. Goods shall be delivered within thirty (30) days from the date of signing of the contract, together with supplier’s invoice showing their description, quantity, unit price, and total amount.
vii. The supplier is required to supply the goods together with the detail operations and maintenance manuals.
viii. The supplier shall warrant that the goods supplied under the contract are new and unused. 12 months warranty is required for the goods proposed.
ix. The suppliers shall not assign, in whole or in part, its obligation to perform under this contract, except with the written consent of (IPESS-FUAM)
x. The validity of the quotation shall be sixty (60) days from the date of quotation submission deadline.
xi. The supplier shall show evidence of financial capability to execute the project by submission of Reference letter from a reputable commercial bank in Nigeria, indicating willingness to provide credit facility for the execution of the project when needed.
xii. 2% bid performance security is required for goods above 100,000,000:00
xiii. The Innovation in Procurement, Environmental and Sustainable social development is not bound to prequalify any bidder and reserves the right to annul the procurement process at any time without incurring any liabilities in accordance with World Bank procurement procedures.
xiv. For further enquiries , please contact the procurement and property unit between 10:00am to 3:00pm (Mondays –Fridays) at the following address: or call 07068006647, 07013472200

Signed: Professor Lami A. Nnamonu, FICCON, FCSN
Center Leader & Director, Innovation in Procurement, Environmental and Sustainable social development (IPESS)